Admitek iCampus : Office Automation System for Educational Institutes


We would like to thank you for purchasing Admitek iCampus! We are very pleased you have chosen Admitek iCampus for your institution! Before you get started, please be sure to always check out these documentation files. We outline all kinds of good information, and provide you with all the details you need to use Admitek iCampus. Admitek iCampus can be used with any school, college, university, training/coaching institute.

Admin Panel

Login to Admin Panel through URL -


After successful login you will reach to Admin Dashboard. Below you can find navigational overview of user screen.


Admin Panel consists 21 modules as listed below. Few features/modules may be different/unavailable for your Institute depending upon your license type.

  1. Front Office - for all reception/front office related activities like enquiries, calls, visitors, postal receive/dispatch
  2. Student Information - for all the information related to student like student search, profile, student admission, student history
  3. Fees Collection - for all the details related to student fees collection, fees master creation, fees dues, fees reports
  4. Income - for all the income other than fees collection can be manage here like add income, search income, income head
  5. Expenses - for all the expenses related to Institute can be manage here like add expenses, search expenses, expense head
  6. Attendance - for managing student attendance and attendance report
  7. Examinations - for managing all the exams conducted by Institute like create exam, schedule exam, exam marks entry, marks grade
  8. Academics - for managing all the parameters / master data required to run Institute like classes, sections, subjects, assign teachers, class timetable, promote student to upper class
  9. Human Resource - for all the information related to staff members can be manage here like staff search, profile, attendance, payroll, leaves
  10. Communicate - it works like a notice board basically a messaging system for communication to students, parents and teachers
  11. Download Center - for managing downloadable documents like assignments, study material, syllabus and other documents need to distribute students and teachers
  12. Homework - teachers can give homework here and further evaluate them
  13. Library - all the books in your library can be manage here
  14. Inventory - manage all the assets of your Institute with stocks and store under inventory module
  15. Transport - for managing transportation service like routes and their fares
  16. Hostel - for managing hostels, hostel rooms and their fares
  17. Certificate - design and generate student certificate and ID Card here
  18. Front CMS - manage front public site of Admitek iCampus here by creating pages, menus, events, gallery, news
  19. Reports - all the various reports related to different modules can be found here
  20. System Settings - configure Admitek iCampus here for different settings like Institute, sessions, admin password, SMS, Paypal, backup / restore, languages
  21. Calendar & ToDo List - track and manage all daily/monthly activities and create your task in todo list
To understand how Admitek iCampus works first we need to configure and setup it for our Institute. In this whole documentation we will consider our sample Institute which is Mount Carmel School.

Steps to setup your Institute -

  1. In the Admin panel go to System Settings > General Setting in upper right side click on Edit button to update your Institute data.


  2. Update your Institue Name, Address, Phone, Email, Institue Code (Institue Code is your Institute affiliation / accreditation no), Session (current running Academic Session for the Institute), Session Start Month, Teacher Restricted Mode (for teachers can see only their allotted class student data as Class Teacher or as Subject Teacher), Language (language in which you want to run your Admitek iCampus), Language RTL Text Mode (for Arabian side languages), Timezone, Date Format, Currency (ISO standard 3 digit currency code), Currency Symbol and Fees Due Days (used in Fees Carry Forward) now click on Save button to update record.
  3. For updating your Institute logo go to System Settings > General Setting in lower left side click on Edit Logo button.
  4. Update your Institute logo by choosing your Institute logo file (it is recommended for logo to use .png image with transparent or white background and around 200px x 200px in size) now click on Edit button to update logo image.
  5. For automated SMS messaging add any one of available SMS Gateway with the required details from System Settings > SMS Setting.
  6. To enabling online payment in Parent Panel and Student Panel update your payment gateway account details for this, go to System Settings > Payment Methods select your appropriate payment gateway and add you payment gateway account details then click on save button and enable it from right side box.
  7. At this point we have completed basic setup of our Institute. Now we will add our academics in Admitek iCampus like Classes, Sections, Subjects, Teachers.
  8. For adding classes go to Academics > Classes, before adding classes first add Sections from Academics > Sections. Select Sections comes under a Class when you adding a Class. Classes can be add from left side Add Class form and added classes can be see right side Class List. Add all classes running in your Institute here.


  9. For adding sections go to Academics > Sections, Sections can be add from left side Add Section form and added section can be see right side Section List. Add all section name used in your Institute here e.g. Class 1 has 3 sections A, B, C and Class 2 has only A, B sections then we will add 3 sections A, B, C here. After adding sections, select section comes in a Class when you adding Classes.
  10. For adding Teachers go to Human Resource > Staff Directory, Teachers can be add from top right corner Add Staff button. At this page you can add any staff by selecting its role. If we are creating teacher then we should select Teacher as role and designation as role.
  11. For adding subjects go to Academics > Subjects, Subjects can be add from left side Add Subject form and added subjects can be see right side Subject List. Add all subjects including theory and practical in your Institute here. Subjects will be assign to their classes in next step.
  12. For assigning subjects to their classes go to Academics > Assign Subjects select Class 6 and section A then click on Search button, now below a row has been open for selecting subject and teacher for this subject. For adding more rows click on Add button. After selecting all subjects and their concerning teachers click on Save button in present right bottom to save all subjects and teachers under this class-section.


  13. For assigning Class Teacher on Classes go to Academics > Assign Class Teachers select Class 6 and section A then check on Teachers you want to assign as Class Teacher.


  14. Great! you have completed your Admitek iCampus setup. Now further we will understand working of all the modules 1 by 1 in detail.

Front Office

This module has 7 sections -

  1. Admission Enquiry
  2. Visitor Book
  3. Phone call Log
  4. Postal Dispatch
  5. Postal Receive
  6. Complain
  7. Setup Front Office

First we will Setup Front Office then we will manage student Admission Enquiry, daily Visitors Book, Phone Calls, Postal and Complain.

  • Setup Front Office- Go to Front Office > Setup Front Office here you will add Purpose, Complain Type, Source, Reference data which will be use in different sections of Front Office. Enter Purpose then Description and click on Save button. All Purpose can be see right side of this page.


    Follow same procedure to make entries for Complain Type, Source and Reference.
  • Admission Enquiry- Admission Enquiry feature is dedicated for managing all student admission related leads and enquiries. Its basically a lead management for student admissions. Go to Front Office > Admission Enquiry Here you can see all active Admission Enquiry. Admission Enquiries that have passed their next follow up dates is marked as red. You can also search/filter Admission Enquiry by Enquiry Date, Source or Enquiry Status. To add New Enquiry click on + Add button. Here enter Name, Phone, Email, Address, Description, Note, Date, Next Follow Up Date, Assigned, Reference, Source, Class and Number Of Child then click on Save button. To edit or delete enquiry simply click on Edit/Delete button from Action column. To follow existing enquiries click on Follow Up button from Action column. Here you can enter Follow Up Date, Next Follow Up Date then person Response and your any Note. From right panel of this window you can check Summary of this enquiry. You can also change status of this enquiry from Status dropdown.


  • Visitor Book- In Visitor Book we will keep records of all persons coming in Institute reception for any purpose, e.g. student mother has come to meet their child, a book company executive comes for general enquiry etc. Go to Front Office > Visitor Book enter Purpose, Name, Phone, ID Card, Number Of Person, Date, In Time, Out Time, Note and Attach Document then click on Save button. All Visitors details can be see right side of this page.


  • Phone Call Log- Here we will keep all records for Incoming/Outgoing Phone calls from reception. Go to Front Office > Phone Call Log enter Name, Phone, Date, Description, Next Follow Up Date, Call Duration, Note and Call Type then click on Save button. All Phone Call Log details can be see right side of this page.


  • Postal Dispatch- Here we will keep all records for all Postal items dispatched from Institute to outside. Go to Front Office > Postal Dispatch enter To Title, Reference No, Address, Note, From Title, Date and Attach Document then click on Save button. All Postal Dispatch details can be see right side of this page.


  • Postal Receive- Here we will keep all records for all Postal items received in Institute from outside. Go to Front Office > Postal Receive enter From Title, Reference No, Address, Note, To Title, Date and Attach Document then click on Save button. All Postal receive details can be see right side of this page.


  • Complain- Here we will keep all Complain records coming to reception or from online front site complain page. Go to Front Office > Complain enter Complain Type. Source, Complain By, Phone, Date, Description, Action Taken, Assigned, Note and Attach Document then click on Save button. All Complain details can be see right side of this page.


Student Information

This module has 9 sections -

  1. Student Details
  2. Student Admission
  3. Student Report
  4. Guardian Report
  5. Student History
  6. Student Login Credential
  7. Student Categories
  8. Student House
  9. Disabled Students

First we will add Student Categories, School House then take Student Admission then search Students Details.

  • Student Categories- Go to Student Information > Student Categories Add all student categories here. Student categories can be caste, community or group wise.


  • Student House- Go to Student Information > Student House Add all student house here. Student house is also another type of grouping of students.


  • Student Admission- Go to Student Information > Student Admission add student basic details Admission No, Roll No, select Class and Section, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date Of Birth, Category, Religion, Caste, Student Mobile Number, Email, Admission Date, Student Photo, Blood Group, Student House, Height, Weight, As on Date, if this student has sibling and already study in this Institute then click on Add Sibling button and select sibling (note that if student has more than one sibling study in Institute then you do not have to select all the siblings just select any one sibling and system automatic detects other siblings), add student Father, Mother and Guardian details. Now click on Save button to complete student admission, if you want to add more details of student like Student Address Details, Transport Route Details, Hostel Details, Miscellaneous Details, RTE (Right To Education - in some countries there is a government funded scheme under which student get free education and government pay fees for these students) and Upload Documents then click on Add More Detail button. Student admission, admit students in by default in current selected session.

    To importing bulk students for admission click on upper right side Import Student button. Now select class and section and browse .csv and click on Import Students Data file to import student data. You can download sample .csv file by clicking upper right Download Sample Import File button. Note that by importing bulk student you have to update student record for proper admission record.


  • Student Details- Go to Student Information > Student Details select Class and Section and click on Search button to get student list under this class-section. You can also search student by keyword in Search Input Box and click on Search button. After search you will get student list below. There are two views here one is List View and Details View. Every row has three buttons in right side Show (to see student profile), Edit (to edit student profile) and Add Fee (to add student fees). Click on Show button to open student profile. Student profile page provides 360* View of student, consist student basic details, address details, parent / guardian details, miscellaneous details, fees details, exam details, documents and timeline related to student. You can check student and their guardian login credentials by clicking on Login Details link. If any student get admitted by mistake and we need to Disable student then you can click on red color hands down icon button. After disabling student you can also Delete this disabled student. Be careful! once student deleted, there is no way to rollback its record.



  • Student Report- Go to Student Information > Student Report here you can view class-section wise student report.


  • Guardian Report- Go to Student Information > Guardian Report here you can view class-section wise student guardian report.


  • Student History- Go to Student Information > Student History here you can view class and session wise Student History.


  • Student Login Credential- Go to Student Information > Student Login Credential here you can view class-section wise Student/Parent Login Credential.


  • Disabled Student- Go to Student Information > Disabled Student here you can view all Disabled Students.


Fees Collection

This module has 10 sections -

  1. Collect Fees
  2. Fees Master
  3. Fees Group
  4. Fees Type
  5. Fees Discount
  6. Search Fees Payment
  7. Search Due Fees
  8. Fees Statement
  9. Balance Fees Report
  10. Fees Carry Forward

First we will prepare our Fees Structure for Current Session by configuring Fees Type, Fees Group and Fees Master then we will Collect Fees of students then we will understand and review various fees reports by using Search Fees Payment, Search Due Fees, Fees Statement and Balance Fees Report.

Lets understand how we will create fees structure in Admitek iCampus by using Fees Type, Fees Group & Fees Master. Fees Type means different types of fees can be collect by Institute e.g. Admission Fees, April Month Fees, May Month Fees, June Month Fees, Exam Fees, Dress/Uniform Fees, Library Fees, Sports Fees, Transportation Bus Fees, Picnic Fees etc. Fees Group Fees Group is use to make grouping of different Fees Type Then you can assign/allocate this Fees Group to whole class-section or a particular student. When you assign/allocate a Fees Group on a class-section or a particular student all Fees Type under this group with their Fees Master amount will be applied directly. You can assign/allocate multiple Fees Groups on a class-section or a particular student. Suppose we have created a Fees Group with the name Class 6 (2 Instalments) and added Fees Types Admission Fees ($1000), 1st Instalment ($5000), 2nd Instalment ($5000) then assign/allocate this Fees Group Class 6 (2 Instalments) on those students only who want to pay fees in 2 Instalments. You can create another Fees Group with the name Class 6 (1 Instalments) and add Fees Type Admission Fees ($1000), Full Instalment ($9500). You can also create another fees group with the name Class 6 Transport Fees and add Transport Fees as Fees Type and assign/allocate on those students who use transport facility. Note: Fees Type and Fees Group are not dependent on Academic Session but Fees Master is created session wise so you need to enter Fees Master data for every session.

  • Fees Type- Go to Fees Collection > Fees Type add all your Fees Type here with Fees Code. All Fees Type can be see at right side of this page.


  • Fees Group- Go to Fees Collection > Fees Group add all your Fees Group here. All Fees Group can be see at right side of this page.


  • Fees Master- Go to Fees Collection > Fees Master add all your fees amount for current selected session here. Select Fees Group then Fees Type then Due Date then enter Amount means fees amount for selected session now click Save button. All Fees Master with Fees Group and Fees Code with amount can be see at right side of this page for current selected session.


    To assign/allocate Fees Group click on Assign/View button from Action column. Now at next page select Class then Section and click on Search button. Now select the students on which you want to assign/allocate this Fees Group then click on Save button.


  • Fees Discount- Go to Fees Collection > Fees Discount add all your Fees Discount here with Discount Name, Discount Code, Amount and Description. All Fees Discount can be see at right side of this page. To assign/allocate discount click on Assign/View button from Action column.


    On Next page select Class and Section then click on Search button. After Search select students on which this discount have to be applied then click on Save button.


  • Collect Fees- Go to Fees Collection > Collect Fees select Class & Section & click in Search button to get student list under this class-section. You can also search student by keyword in Search Input Box and click on Search button. After search you will get student list below. Click on Collect Fees button to go to collect fees page. Here you can see student details including student picture then next you can see all assign/allocate fees details. Collecting fees is very simple just click the + button from Action column a modal window will appear, here select Date then Amount will be auto fetch by balance for this Fees Invoice. You can enter any amount for Partial Fees payment, then select Discount Group or enter Discount (if any) then enter Fine (if any) then Payment Mode then Note then click on Collect Fees button. Now fees has been collected & Revert button visible for reverting this fees. For printing Fees Receipt click on Print button from Action column.



    Fees Discount Adjustment: If you have applied discount by selection of Discount Group then there is no need for any adjustment. When you assign/allocate Fees Discount on any student then it will be only assigned. To make it apply you need to adjust this discount on any Fees Invoice payment by giving discount. To apply discount you need to first give discount on any fees invoice then click on Apply Discount button from Action column, a modal window will be open. Here enter Payment Id on which this discount has been given and enter description (if any). Now click on Apply Discount button to apply discount.


  • Search Fees Payment- Go to Fees Collection > Search Fees Payment for searching any fees payment details through Payment ID enter Payment Id & click search button you will get the details for this payment id.


  • Search Due Fees- Go to Fees Collection > Search Due Fees for searching those students who have not done payment for a particular fees type then select Fees Category then Fees Type then Class then Section & click Search button, you will get all the students list for due fees.


  • Fees Statement- Go to Fees Collection > Fees Statement to get fees statement for a student. Select Class then Section then Student then click Search.


  • Balance Fees Report- Go to Fees Collection > Balance Fees Report to know Total Fees, Total Paid Fees & Total Balance Fees in a particular Section, select Class then Section then click on Search button.


  • Fees Carry Forward- Go to Fees Collection > Fees Carry Forward if any student has balance fees in previous session then you can forward this balance fees to current session. Select Class, Section then click Search button. Students with balance fees will be display below. If you want you can edit balance fees amount to be forward. In Top right corner you can see Due Date for all these fees forward. This Due Date will be number of days ahead which is set in System Settings > General Setting > Fees Due Days. This balance fees carry forward can be see in collect fees page as Balance Master (Fees Group) and Previous Session Balance (Fees Code).



This module has 3 sections -

  1. Add Income
  2. Search Income
  3. Income Head

First we will create our Income Head then we will Add our daily/monthly Incomes then we will Search our Income.

  • Income Head- Go to Income > Income Head enter Income Head and its Description then click on Save button. All Income head can be see right side of this page.


  • Add Income- Go to Income > Add Income select Income Head then enter Income Name then Invoice Number, Date of Income then Amount then Attach Document then Description & click on Save button. Recently added 10 Incomes can be see right side of this page.


  • Search Income- Go to Income > Search Income to search Incomes between two dates or by a keyword select Date From & Date To or enter keyword then click on Search button, you will get the list of all Incomes related to your search criteria.



This module has 3 sections -

  1. Add Expense
  2. Search Expense
  3. Expense Head

First we will create our Expense Head then we will Add our daily/monthly Expenses then we will Search our Expense.

  • Expense Head- Go to Expenses > Expense Head enter Expense Head and its Description then click on Save button. All expense head can be see right side of this page.


  • Add Expense- Go to Expenses > Add Expense select Expense Head then enter expense Name then Invoice Number, Date of expense then Amount then Attach Document then Description & click on Save button. Recently added 10 expenses can be see right side of this page.


  • Search Expense- Go to Expenses > Search Expense to search expenses between two dates or by a keyword select Date From & Date To or enter keyword then click on Search button, you will get the list of all expenses related to your search criteria.



This module has 3 sections -

  1. Student Attendance
  2. Attendance By Date
  3. Attendance Report

First we will enter Student Attendance then we will search student attendance for a particular date or we can get whole month students Attendance Report.

  • Student Attendance- Go to Attendance > Student Attendance select Class then Section then Attendance Date then click Search button. Now below you can see list of students & attendance options like Present, Late, Absent etc. Select the attendance for students then click on Submit Attendance button. To enter National Holiday or Sunday select Mark as holiday button then Submit Attendance button. Note that is attendance is already submitted for a date then you can only edit attendance.


  • Attendance By Date- Go to Attendance > Attendance By Date to check attendance for a particular date select Class then Section then Date then click on Search button.


  • Attendance Report- Go to Attendance > Attendance Report to check attendance for a whole month select Class then Section then Month then click Search button.



This module has 4 sections -

  1. Exam List
  2. Exam Schedule
  3. Marks Register
  4. Marks Grade

First we will prepare Marks Grade then create exam in Exam List then enter Exam Schedule then enter marks in Marks Register. Note that there is no need to prepare Marks Grade if your institution is not following Grading System in exams. Just leave Marks Grade & don't make any entry in it.

  • Marks Grade- Go to Examination > Marks Grade enter Grade Name, Percent From, Percent Upto, Description & click on Save button. All the grades can be see at right side of this page.


  • Exam List- Go to Examination > Exam List enter Exam Name, Note & click Save button. All the exams can be see at the right side of this page, you can also check exam status by clicking View Status button.


  • Exam Schedule- Go to Examination > Exam Schedule this section has two parts 1) Adding/Editing Exam Schedule 2) Viewing existing Exam Schedule.

    For Adding/Editing Exam Schedule click on Add button then on next page select Exam Name, Class, Section then you will get all Subjects now enter Date, Exam Start Time, Exam End Time, Exam Room, Exam Subject Full Marks, Exam Subjects Minimum Passing Marks & click on Submit button to save exam Schedule.


    For viewing existing Exam Schedule (go to Examination > Exam Schedule) select Class, Section then click Search button, you will see all exams under this Class-Section now click View to see Exam Schedule.


  • Marks Register- Go to Examination > Marks Register Marks Register section has two parts 1) Adding/Editing exam marks 2) Viewing exam marks.

    For Adding/Editing Exam Marks click on Add button then on next page select Exam Name, Class, Section then you will get all students list now enter marks for all the exam subjects & click on Save button to submit marks.


    For viewing Exam Marks (go to Examination > Marks Register) select Exam Name, Class, Section to see marks list.



This module has 7 sections -

  1. Class Timetable
  2. Assign Class Teacher
  3. Assign Subjects
  4. Subjects
  5. Class
  6. Sections
  7. Promote Students

We have already described few section of Academics Module during Steps to Setup your Institute, but now we will understand completely Academics module sections. First we will create Sections then Classes then Assign Class Teacher on class-sections then create Subjects then Assign Subjects & Teachers to Class-Section then Create Class Timetable.

  • Sections- Go to Academics > Sections enter Section Name & click Save button. All the sections can be see right side on this page.


  • Class- Go to Academics > Class enter Class Name then select Sections under this Class then click Save button. All the Classes and their Sections can be see at right side of this page.


  • Assign Class Teacher- Go to Academics > Assign class Teacher select Class then select Section then select Class Teachers for this Class Section then click Save button. All the Class-Section and their Class Teachers can be see at right side of this page.


  • Subjects- Go to Academics > Subjects enter Subject Name, Subject Type (Theory/Practical), Subject Code then click Save button. All the subjects can be see at the right side of this page.


  • Assign Subjects- Go to Academics > Assign Subjects select Class, Section then click Search button. Now select Subject & Teacher. For adding more Subject & Teacher click on Add button & select Subject & Teacher, finally click on Save button to Save assigned Subjects & Teachers.


  • Class Timetable- Go to Academics > Class Timetable Class Timetable has two parts 1) Adding/Editing class timetable 2) Viewing class timetable.

    For Adding/Editing Class Timetable click on Add button then on next page select Class, Section, Subject & click Search button then you will get 7 days list now enter Start Time, End Time, Room No for each days & click on Save button to save timetable.


    For viewing Class Timetable (go to Academics > Class Timetable) select Class, Section & click Save button to see class timetable.


  • Promote Students- Go to Student Information > Promote Students select Class and Section and click on Search button to get student list under this class-section. Here you can see every student has Current Result column with Pass / Fail and Next Session Status column with Continue / Leave options and three drop down to select Promote In Session, Class, Section just above the student list.

    Now let's understand how Promote Student works. Promoting students to next session and class-section depends on two things, 1). Student is pass or fail in main examination and 2). Student will be continue in Institute or leaving from Institute. If student is pass and will continue to Institute, only then student will be promoted to next session and class-section. If student is fail and continue to Institute then students will be promoted to next session but class-section will be remain as it is. If student is pass but leaving to student then student will not be promoted to next session nor promoted to next class-section. This is the whole mechanism of Promote Student. Admitek iCampus automatically manage promotion of session and class-section. To promote students first select Promote In Session, Class, Section and for every student select Current Result pass or fail and Next Session Status continue or leave and click on Promote button from bottom right.


Human Resource

This module has 11 sections -

  1. Staff Directory
  2. Staff Attendance
  3. Staff Attendance Report
  4. Payroll
  5. Payroll Report
  6. Approve Leave Request
  7. Apply Leave
  8. Leave Type
  9. Department
  10. Designation
  11. Disabled Staff

In Human Resource we will manage all activities of Institute staff (not student or parent or guardian) from Principal to Owner to Peon or any Institue member even he/she using or not using Admitek iCampus application. First we will add Department, Designation, Leave Types then we will add Staff Member from Staff Directory then we will manage day by day Staff Attendance then manage Payroll/Salary of staff then Apply or Approve Leave Request.

  • Department- Go to Human Resource > Department enter Department Name then click Save button. All existing Departments can be see right side of this page.


  • Designation- Go to Human Resource > Designation enter Designation Name then click Save button. All existing Designation can be see right side of this page.


  • Leave Type- Go to Human Resource > Leave Type enter Leave Type Name then click Save button. All existing Leave Type can be see right side of this page.


  • Staff Directory- Go to Human Resource > Staff Directory here you can search all active staff members. You can filter staff members by Role or search by any keyword. You can also see staff directory in two views Card View or List View.


    You can edit any staff by clicking on Edit button on Staff Card. To view staff details/profile click on View button present on staff card. Staff profile provides 360* view of staff including complete profile, payroll, payslip, allotted/apply/approved leaves, monthly/yearly attendance, uploaded documents and timeline. After staff retirement or reliving you can Disable staff from top right down hand red icon button. After disabling staff, staff profile is marked as red color in background and its login to Admitek iCampus also being disabled. Disabled staff can be seen in Human Resource > Disabled Staff. You can also add staff leaving date and resignation letter from staff Edit. Staff can be deleted after disabling staff. img

    To add new staff member click on + Add Staff button from top right corner of this page. Enter Staff ID, select Role (roles can be manage from System Settings > Roles Permission), Designation, Department, First Name, Last Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Gender, Marital Status, Date Of Birth, Date Of Joining, Phone, Emergency Contact Number, Email, Photo, Current Address, Permanent Address, Qualification, Work Experience, Note, EPF No (Employee Provident Fund Number), Basic Salary, Contract Type, Work Shift, Location, Number Of Leaves, Bank Account Title, Bank Account Number, Bank Name, IFSC Code, Bank Branch Name, Facebook URL, Twitter URL, LinkedIn URL, Instagram URL, Upload Resume, Joining Letter and Other Documents then click on Save button.


  • Staff Attendance- Go to Human Resource > Staff Attendance here you can record staff attendance. Select Staff Role and Attendance Date then click on Search button. Now can see staff list, select attendance radio button for Present/Late/Absent/Half Day and enter any Note then click on Save Attendance button to submit attendance. If you mark selected date as Holiday then check button Mark As Holiday. If attendance has been already submitted then you will get message of "Attendance Already Submitted You Can Edit Record" in this case you can still edit exiting attendance.


  • Staff Attendance Report- Go to Human Resource > Staff Attendance Report here you can check staff monthly report, Present/Late/Absent/Half Day/Holiday, Gross Present % etc.


  • Payroll- Go to Human Resource > Payroll here we will generate monthly salary of staff members. Select Role, Month and Year then click Search button to see staff members list and their payroll status. Now you can see staff list, from Status column you can see current salary status available option from Action column. Payroll has three status Not Generated -> Generated -> Paid. If status is Not Generated then you can see Generate Payroll button, if status is Generated then you can see Proceed To Pay button and if status is Paid then you can see View Payslip button in Action column. If status is Generated or Paid then you can revert this status in previous status.


    Now click on Generate Payroll button from Action column. At this page you can see staff profile, attendance, approve leaves details. In earning column add earning Type and Amount then in deduction column enter deduction Type and Amount (from top right corner Attendance section you can check this month all attendance and approve details based on this you can calculate deduction for this staff) then in Payroll Summary column enter any tax if applied then finally click on Calculate button to calculate Net Salary amount then click on Save button to save this salary generation.


    Now come again on payroll page and check this staff payroll status for same month now it should be Generated and in Action column Proceed To Pay button should be visible. Here click on Proceed To Pay button to pay generated salary to this staff. Now at Proceed To Pay modal popup window you can Staff, Net Payment Amount, Month-Year, select Payment mode through which you are paying salary, Payment Date, and Note then click on Save button.


    Now come again on payroll page and check this staff payroll status for the same month now it should be Paid and in Action column View Payslip button should be visible. Here click on View Payslip button to see and print payslip.


  • Payroll Report- Go to Human Resource > Payroll Report here we will check payroll report. Select Role, Month and Year then click on Search.


  • Approve Leave Request- Go to Human Resource > Approve Leave Request here you can view, approve or manually submit staff leave request. Click on View icon button from Action column to see details of applied leave request. Now at this modal popup window you can see details of leave request and change its status to Approve/Disapprove/Pending then enter any Note then click on Save button.


    To add leave request manually click on Add Leave Request button from top right corner. Here select Role, Staff Name, Apply Date, Leave Type, Leave Date, reason, Note, Attach Document and Status of leave request then click on Save button.


  • Apply Leave- Go to Human Resource > Apply Leave here logged in staff user can apply/view leave request for his own only. To view applied leaves click on View icon button from Action column. To apply leave click on Apply Leave button from top right corner.


  • Disabled Staff- Go to Human Resource > Disabled Staff here you can see all Disabled Staff. Click on any staff to see his/her profile. At profile page you can see Delete Staff button, by deleting staff all profile data will be deleted. To Enable any Disabled staff click on green color hands up icon button.



This module has 4 sections -

  1. Notice Board
  2. Send Message
  3. Send Email / SMS
  4. Email / SMS Log

We will send messages through Notice Board or Email / SMS and then sent messages can be check at Notice Board or Email / SMS Log

  • Send Message- Go to Communicate > Send Message enter Message Title, Message, Notice Date, Publish Date, Message To & click Save button. Note that, Notice Date is the date at which notice is being post & Publish Date is the date at which notice is being visible to Staff, Students & Parents.


  • Notice Board- Go to Communicate > Notice Board here you can see all the posted messages.


  • Send Email / SMS- Go to Communicate > Send Email / SMS at this page there are three tabs Group, Individual and Class to select which users group you want to send email / sms. You can also send only Email or SMS or both at once.

    Open Group tab to send email / sms to all Students, Guardians and Staff enter message Title then select Send Through to send message through Email or SMS or both, then enter Message then select all those users groups (Students, Guardians and Staff) you want to send this Email / SMS then click to Send button. Here note that text entered in Title will not be sent through SMS, Title text will only send through email as email subject and Message text will be send as email body.


    Open Individual tab to send email / sms to individually selected Students, Guardians and Staff.


    Open Class tab to send email / sms to all students under selected Class-Section.


  • Email / SMS Log- Go to Communicate > Email / SMS Log here you can see all the email / sms sent through Send Email / SMS.


Download Center

This module has 5 sections -

  1. Upload Content
  2. Assignments
  3. Study Material
  4. Syllabus
  5. Other Downloads

In Download Center we will upload all content from Upload Content section under four content types Assignments, Study Material, Syllabus, Other Download & rest of four sections are used for viewing uploaded content under these content types.

  • Upload Content- Go to Download Center > Upload Content enter Content Title, Content Type, Available For, Class, Upload Date, Description, Select File & click Save button. Recently uploaded 10 contents can be see right side at this page. You can download content by clicking Download button in action column.


  • Assignments- Go to Download Center > Assignments all the content uploaded under Assignments content type can be see at this page.
  • Study Material- Go to Download Center > Study Material all the content uploaded under Study Material content type can be see at this page.
  • Syllabus- Go to Download Center > Syllabus all the content uploaded under Syllabus content type can be see at this page.


  • Other Downloads- Go to Download Center > Other Downloads all the content uploaded under Other Downloads content type can be see at this page.


This module has 2 sections -

  1. Add Homework
  2. Evaluation Report

Here Teachers can create Homework for their Class-Section. After creating homework teachers can evaluate homework for class-section students that who has completed homework or not completed. First we will Add Homework then we will evaluate homework.

  • Homework- Go to Homework > Add Homework Here you can see all previously created homework and search them different criteria.


    To add new Homework click on + Add button to open Add Homework modal window. Here enter Class, Section, Subject, Homework Date, Submission Date, Attach Document and Description then click on Save button.


    To evaluate homework click on View button from Action column to open Evaluate homework modal window. Here from left Student List select student who has completed this homework and move them to Homework Completed List then select Evaluation Date then click on Save button.


  • Evaluation Report- Go to Homework > Evaluation Report Here You can search Homework Evaluation Report in different criteria.


    To see report details that how many students have completed homework or not click on View button from Action column.



This module has 6 sections -

  1. Add Book
  2. Book list
  3. Issue Return
  4. Add Student
  5. Add Staff Member

First we will Add Books in library then view & search books in Book List.

  • Add Book- Go to Library > Add Book enter Book Title, Book No, ISBN No, Publisher, Author, Subject, Rack No, QTY, Book Price, Inward Date, Description & click Save button.


  • Book List- Go to Library > Book List all the books in library can be view and search at this page.


  • Issue Return- Go to Library > Issue Return to issue/return a book to library member click on Issue Return button from action column in Members List. Now you will reach to Issue Return page. To Issue a book select Books, Return Date from Issue Book section. Currently Issued Books can be see in Books Issued section. To Return an issued book click on Return button in Action column.


  • Add Student- Go to Library > Add Student to add Student as Library Member, select class and section then click on search button to display list of students then click on + button from student's list action column, if student is already a library member then this student row shows in green color and there will be Surrender button in action column to surrender their membership.


  • Add Staff Member- Go to Library > Add Staff Member to add Staff Member as Library Member click on + button visible Staff Member list action column, if Staff Member is already a library member then this Staff Member row shows in green color and there will be Surrender button in action column to surrender their membership.



This module has 6 sections -

  1. Issue Item
  2. Add Item Stock
  3. Add Item
  4. Item Category
  5. Item Store
  6. Item Supplier

First we will create our Item Category then Item Store then Item Supplier then we will add Item then Item Stock then we will Issue Items to any staff members.

  • Item Category- Go to Inventory > Item Category enter Item Category and its Description then click on Save button. All Item Category can be see right side of this page.


  • Item Store- Go to Inventory > Item Store enter Item Store Name, Item Stock Code and Description then click on Save button. All Item Store can be see right side of this page.


  • Item Supplier- Go to Inventory > Item Supplier enter Item Supplier Name, Phone, Email, Address then enter Contact Person Name, Phone, Email and Description then click on Save button. All Item Supplier can be see right side of this page.


  • Add Item- Go to Inventory > Add Item enter Item Name, select Item Category and Description then click on Save button. All Items can be see right side of this page.


  • Add Item Stock- Go to Inventory > Add Item Stock select Item Category, Item, Supplier, Store then enter Item Quantity, Date, select Attach Document and Description then click on Save button. All Item Stock can be see right side of this page.


  • Issue Item- Go to Inventory > Issue Item at this page you can see issued item status. To return an item click on Click to Return button from Status column.


    To issue an item click on Issue Item button present on top right side of this page. Now at this page select User Type then select person from Issue To then enter name who is issuing this Item in Issue By, select Issue Date, Return Date, enter Note then select Item Category, Item, enter Available Quantity then click on Save.



This module has 3 sections -

  1. Routes
  2. Vehicles
  3. Assign Vehicle
  4. Student Transport Report

First we will add Routes then add Vehicles then Assign Vehicle on Routes then check Student Transport Report.

  • Routes- Go to Transport > Routes enter Route Title, Fare & click Save button. All the routes can be see right side at this page.


  • Vehicles- Go to Transport > Vehicles enter Vehicle No, Vehicle Model, Year Made, Driver Name, Driver License, Driver Contact, Note & click Save button. All the vehicles can be see right side at this page.


  • Assign Vehicle- Go to Transport > Assign Vehicle select Route then Vehicle & click Save button. All the assigned vehicles can be see right side at this page.


  • Student Transport Report- Go to Student Information > Student Transport Report here you can view all students list who has availed transport facility.



This module has 3 sections -

  1. Hostel Rooms
  2. Room Type
  3. Hostel
  4. Student Hostel Report

First we will add Hostel then Room Type then add Hostel Rooms.

  • Hostel- Go to Hostel > Hostel enter Hostel Name, Type, Address, Intake, Description & click Save button. All the hostels can be see right side at this page.


  • Room Type- Go to Hostel > Room Type enter Room Type, Description & click Save button. All the room types can be see right side at this page.


  • Hostel Rooms- Go to Hostel > Hostel Room enter Room No / Name, Hostel, Room Type, No of Bed, Cost Per Bed, Description & click Save button. All the hostel rooms can be see right side at this page.


  • Student Hostel Report- Go to Student Information > Student Hostel Report here you can view all students list who has availed hostel facility.



This module has 4 sections -

  1. Student Certificate
  2. Generate Certificate
  3. Student ID Card
  4. Generate ID Card

First we will design student certificate or id card then we will generate/print them. If you will properly configure background, height, width etc. settings then you can design professional quality certificate or id cards very easily.

  • Student Certificate- Go to Certificate > Student Certificate enter Certificate Name (certificate name is only for certificate design reference purpose it will not be print on actual certificate), Header Left Text, Header Center Text, Header Right Text, Body Text (enter specified keywords for replcing student data dynamically at time of certificate generation), Footer Left Text, Footer Center Text, Footer Right Text, Certificate Design - Header Height, Footer Height, Body Height, Body Width, Student Photo, Photo Height and Background Image then click on Save button. In certificate design we will suggest you to try to edit certificate design parameters by edit as many time possible until you will get your perfect design. You have to adjust many time design parameters to get your perfect design. While adjusting design parameters take browser final print preview or print as pdf option from browser as final reference of print design by using Generate Certificate link. Otherwise in final print you will get little bit deviation in design. All Certificate designs can be see right side of this page.



  • Generate Certificate- Go to Certificate > Generate Certificate here you can select students and certificate design to generate certificate for those students.



  • Student ID Card- Go to Certificate > Student ID Card select Background Image, Logo, Signature (principal or authorized person signature image), Institue Name, Address/Phone/Email, ID Card Title, Header Color(in hexadecimal code), Admission Number, Student Name, Class, Father Name, Mother Name, Student Address, Phone (student Phone), Date Of Birth and Blood Group then click on Save button. In id card design we will suggest you to try to edit id card design parameters by edit as many time possible until you will get your perfect design. You have to adjust many time design parameters to get your perfect design. While adjusting design parameters take browser final print preview or print as pdf optionfrom browser as final reference of print design from Generate ID Card link. Otherwise in final print you will get little bit deviation in design. All id card designs can be see right side of this page.



  • Generate ID Card- Go to Certificate > Generate ID Card here you can select students and id card design to generate id card for those students.



Front CMS

This module has 7 sections -

  1. Event
  2. Gallery
  3. News
  4. Media Manager
  5. Pages
  6. Menus
  7. Banner Images

With Front CMS we will manage our Institute frontsite. Here we will create Menu and Menu Item then Pages then Banner Images, Event, Gallery and News. We will use Media Manager to upload images or videos then use in different pages.

To use Front CMS first we will configure it by System Settings > Front CMS Setting here we can enable/disable Front CMS, Sidebar, Language RTL Text Mode, check Sidebar Option, upload Logo, Favicon, enter Footer Text, Google Analytics, Facebook URL, Twitter URL, Youtube URL, Google Plus, Linkedin URL, Instagram URL, Pinterest URL and Current Theme (there are 3 default themes supplied with Admitek iCampus but you can create your own theme by copying "default" theme with your own name in same folder. For themes /application/views/themes contains php view files and /backend/themes folder contains css, js, images etc. files).


  • Menus- Go to Front CMS > Menus by default there are two menu, Main Menu and Bottom Menu has been provided which are used in default supplied themes. If you want you can add your new menu but for this you have to set menu position in themes php view files. To add new menu enter Menu then add Description then click on Save button. All existing menu can see right side of this page.


    To add menu items under a menu click on + sign button from Action column. Now at Add Menu Items page enter Menu Item, External URL (if this menu is pointing to a external url), Open In New Tab (if you want after clicking this url will be open in new tab), External URL Address, Pages (If you want this menu item will point any cms pages) then click Save button. From right side you can see existing menu item list. From here you can arrange menu order or add a menu item as sub menu by drag and drop.


  • Media Manager- Go to Front Office > Media Manager here in Media Manager you can manage you all media assets like images, doc, pdf, zip, rar, text, video files in centralise way used Front CMS module. To non video media files just drag file over "Choose a file or drag it here" area or click to select your file. Upload video media content directly in Media Manager is not supported due to streaming issues, so it s recommended to upload your all video content on Youtube then addd video url in Media Manager. To add Youtube video url simply enter video Youtube url then click on Submit button. You can check media details/preview by clicking on them. You can also search media by any keyword (file name) or filter by media type.


  • Pages- Go to Front Office > Pages Here you can manage all pages of Front CMS. There are 4 pages by default supplied with Front CMS, Home, Contact, Complain and 404 Page (page not found landing page). To Edit/Delete any existing page click on Edit/Delete button from right side Action column. To add new page click on + Add button from top right corner of this page. Here enter page Title, select Page Type (Standard, Event (page to show all Events), News (page to show all News/Notices), Gallery (page to show all images/video Galleries)), Description, SEO (search engine optimization) Details Meta Title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description then select Sidebar Setting to show/hide sidebar, select Featured Image (featured image will be show only those themes or pages which have support for featured image) then click on Save button.


  • Event- Go to Front CMS > Event Here you can add all events scheduled past/future in your Institute. To add new event click on + Add button from top right corner of this page. Here enter event Title, Event Venue, Event Start Date, Event End Date, Description, SEO Detail Meta Title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description then select Sidebar Setting, Featured Image then click on Save button.


  • Gallery- Go to Front CMS > Gallery Here you can add all image/video galleries of your Institute. To add new gallery click on + Add button from top right corner of this page. Here enter gallery Title, Description, Gallery Images, SEO Detail Meta Title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description then select Sidebar Setting, Featured Image then click on Save button.


  • News- Go to Front CMS > News Here you can add all News/Notices of your Institute. To add new news click on + Add button from top right corner of this page. Here enter news Title, news Date, Description, SEO Detail Meta Title, Meta Keyword, Meta Description then select Sidebar Setting, Featured Image then click on Save button.


  • Banner Images- Go to Front CMS > Banner Images Here You can add/remove images in Home Page banner. To add images in home page banner click on + Add Images button from top right corner of this page.


  • Reports

    This module has 15 sections -

    1. Student Report
    2. Guardian Report
    3. Student History
    4. Student Login Credential
    5. Fees Statement
    6. Balance Fees Report
    7. Transaction Report
    8. Attendance Report
    9. Exam Marks Report
    10. Payroll Report
    11. Staff Attendance Report
    12. Homework Report
    13. Student Transport Report
    14. Student Hostel Report
    15. User Log

    All the reports of other different modules are also present under this Report module.

    • Student Report- Go to Reports > Student Report select Class, Section, Category(optional), Gender(optional), RTE(optional) click Search button. You will get all the students list details also you can download this report as PDF.


    • Guardian Report- Go to Student Information > Guardian Report here you can view student and their parent/guardian details report.


    • Student History- Go to Student Information > Student History here you can view student class and session wise history.


    • Student Login Credential- Go to Student Information > Student Report here you can view student/parent login credentials.


    • Fees Statement- Go to Reports > Fees Statement to get fees statement for a student. Select Class then Section then Student then click Search.


    • Balance Fees Report- Go to Reports > Balance Fees Report to know Total Fees, Total Paid Fees & Total Balance Fees in a particular Section, select Class then Section then click on Search button.


    • Transaction Report- Go to Reports > Transaction Report to get all the transactions under fees collection & expense can be search here. Select Date From, Date To & click Search button to get all the transactions.




    • Attendance Report- Go to Report > Attendance Report to check attendance for a whole month select Class then Section then Month then click Search button.


    • Exam Marks Report- Go to Reports > Exam Marks Report to view exam marks select Exam Name, Class, Section to see marks list.


    • Payroll Report- Go to Student Information > Payroll Report here you can view staff salary details report.


    • Staff Attendance Report- Go to Student Information > Staff Attendance Report here you can view staff attendance report.


    • Homework Report- Go to Student Information > Homework Report here you can view student and their parent/guardian details report.


    • Student Transport Report- Go to Student Information > Student Transport Report here you can view all students list who has availed transport facility.


    • Student Hostel Report- Go to Student Information > Student Hostel Report here you can view all students list who has availed hostel facility.


    • User Log- Go to Reports > User Log to view which user has been login to Admitek iCampus system at which time, from which IP Address, OS, Browser etc.


    Calendar ToDo List

    This module has 2 sections -

    1. Calendar
    2. ToDo List

    In Calendar we can add personal or public events can be visible under login panels. In ToDo List we can add our personal task.

    • Calendar- Go to top right corner of page besides your profile icon you can see Calendar icon now at calendar page click on any date or time frame, at this modal window enter Event Title, Description, Event Date, Event Color and Event Type (Public is visible to all, Private is only you can see this event, All <your role> is this event will be visible to all users of your role, Protected that means it is visible to all staff members but not student or parent) then click on Save button.



    • ToDo List- Go to top right corner of page besides your profile icon you can see ToDo List icon, click on View All button now at calendar page right side you can see all your task click on + icon button, at this modal window enter Title and Date then click on Save button.


    System Settings

    This module has 12 sections -

    1. General Setting
    2. Session Setting
    3. Notification Setting
    4. SMS Setting
    5. Email Setting
    6. Payment Methods
    7. Front CMS Setting
    8. Roles Permissions
    9. Backup / Restore
    10. Languages
    11. Users
    12. Modules

    All 12 sections of this module are mutually interdependent but need to configure to run whole system properly.

    • General Setting- Go to System Settings > General Setting this section has 2 parts.
      1. Updating Institute profile data
      2. Updating your Institute logo


      For updating your Institute data click on Edit button (upper right side of page). On next page update your Institue Name, Address, Phone, Email, Institue Code (Institue Code is your Institute affiliation / accreditation no), Session (current running Academic Session for the Institute), Session Start Month, Teacher Restricted Mode (if this Teacher Restricted Mode feature is Enabled then teachers will not have access to all students data, that means class teachers can access their allotted class whole data and subject teachers can access for only those classes student data for which they have assigned as subject teacher), Language (Language in which you want to run your Admitek iCampus), Language RTL Text Mode (for Arabian side languages), Timezone, Date Format, Currency (ISO standard 3 digit currency code), Currency Symbol and Fees Due Days (used in Fees Carry Forward) then select Current Theme now click on Save button to update record.


      For updating your Institute logo go to System Settings > General Setting in lower left side click on Edit Logo button. On next page select your logo file & click on Edit button to update your logo.

    • Session Setting- Go to System Settings > Session Setting in Admitek iCampus by default you get 15 years of Sessions data from 2015-16 to 2029-30 but still you want to add more sessions then enter Session (must be in format like 2015-16, 2016-17 etc.) & click Save button. All the sessions can be see right side of page.


    • Notification Setting- Go to System Settings > Notification Setting in Admitek iCampus there are 5 events Student Admission, Exam Result, Fees Submission, Absent Student and Login Credential where automated Email / SMS are sending to concerning person's email / mobile number. To control, when email / sms notifications will be send use Notification Setting.

      Check the following at which event, which person receive notification

      • Student Admission: Guardian
      • Exam Result: Student
      • Fees Submission: Guardian
      • Absent Student: Guardian
      • Login Credential: Student, Guardian, Teacher, Accountant, Librarian


    • SMS Setting- Go to System Settings > SMS Setting for SMS notifications to student, guardian and other users you must have to add SMS Gateway details in Admitek iCampus. Add Clickatell, Twilio, MSG91, Text Local, SMS Country or Twilio SMS Gateway with the required details. You can add multiple sms gateways but only one can be enable at a time. You can also add any other http api based sms gateways too through Custom SMS Gateway but it need to configure SMS Library in source code and require PHP coding skills. Through this you can add any SMS Gateway which supports http based api.







    • Email Setting- Go to System Settings > Email Setting To send emails from Admitek iCampus you need to configure Email Setting. Currently Email is available for SendMail and SMTP delivery engine.

      Select SendMail email engine to send emails through your Hosting SendMail program.

      Select SMTP email engine to send email using any SMTP relay. You can use gmail smtp relay also by adding any gmail account details but your gmail account also seto for less secure device so SMTP engine can send email using gmail smtp relay.

      Enter SMTP Username, SMTP Password, SMTP Server SMTP Port, SMTP Security and finally click on Save button to save your settings.



    • Payment Methods- Go to System Settings > Payment Methods there are 4 payment gateways Paypal, Stripe, PayU and CCAvenue available in Admitek iCampus. For enabling parents/guardian to pay their children fees payment online through Parent Panel then you must have to enter and enable any one of payment gateway. You can add multiple payment gateways details but you can enable only one at a time. Add your payment gateway account details in required fields, then enable that payment gateway.





    • Front CMS Setting- Go to System Settings > Front CMS Setting here we can enable/disable Front CMS, Sidebar, Language RTL Text Mode, check Sidebar Option, upload Logo, Favicon, enter Footer Text, Google Analytics, Facebook URL, Twitter URL, Youtube URL, Google Plus, Linkedin URL, Instagram URL, Pinterest URL and Current Theme (there are 3 default themes supplied with Admitek iCampus but you can create your own theme by copying "default" theme with your own name in same folder. For themes /application/views/themes contains php view files and /backend/themes folder contains css, js, images etc. files).


    • Roles Permissions- Go to System Settings > Roles Permissions here we can create different Roles for staff users and then assign different user permission to this Role. To add new role enter Role Name then click on Save button all existing roles can be see from right side of this page. By default in Admitek iCampus you will get 6 user roles SuperAdmin, Admin, Teacher, Accountant, Librarian, Receptionist. You can edit name or permission of these roles except SuperAdmin. To assign permission click on Assign Permission button from Action column. At this page you can see Module wise different Features and their different Permissions. Carefully assign different permissions on roles. After assigning permission, check where it is effecting in system. There are 4 types of permissions present here View, Add, Edit and Delete. Here note that if you are assigning Add/Edit or Delete permission then View permission should be given obviously if you have not given View permission then system can behave inconsistent so in best practice if you are giving Add/Edit/Delete any one permission then give View permission too.


    • Backup/Restore- Go to System Settings > Backup/Restore for taking backup of your Admitek iCampus database click on Create Backup button it will create a .sql file you can Download it on your local system or Restore back in your system or Delete backup file. You can also Restore database file from local system click on Choose File select .sql file from your local system then click on Upload button.


    • Languages- Go to Systems Settings > Languages since ver. 4.0.0 Admitek iCampus langauge module has been migrated to file based languages for better performance and easy to manage. To change language key phrases, go your language directory e.g. for English language go to edit file /application/language/English/app_files/system_lang.php . Where as /application/language/English/form_validation_lang.php file is used for validation message text. Below you can find the list of all 73 languages.
    1. Afrikaans
    2. Albanian
    3. Amharic
    4. Arabic
    5. Azerbaijan
    6. Basque
    7. Bengali
    8. Bosnian
    9. Catalan
    10. Cebuano
    11. Chinese
    12. Czech
    13. Danish
    14. Dutch
    15. English
    16. Esperanto
    17. Estonian
    18. Finnish
    19. French
    20. Galician
    21. Georgian
    22. German
    23. Greek
    24. Gujarati
    25. Haitian (Creole)
    26. Hebrew
    27. Hindi
    28. Hungarian
    29. Icelandic
    30. Indonesian
    31. Irish
    32. Italian
    33. Japanese
    34. Javanese
    35. Kannada
    36. Korean
    37. Latin
    38. Latvian
    39. Lithuanian
    40. Macedonian
    41. Malagasy
    42. Malay
    43. Malayalam
    44. Maltese
    45. Maori
    46. Marathi
    47. Mongolian
    48. Nepali
    49. Norwegian
    50. Persian
    51. Portuguese
    52. Punjabi
    53. Romanian
    54. Russian
    55. Scottish
    56. Sinhala
    57. Slovakian
    58. Slovenian
    59. Spanish
    60. Sundanese
    61. Swahili
    62. Swedish
    63. Tagalog
    64. Tamil
    65. Telugu
    66. Thai
    67. Turkish
    68. Urdu
    69. Uzbek
    70. Vietnamese
    71. Welsh
    72. Xhosa
    73. Yiddish

    • For adding new languages click on Add button from top right side of page on next page enter your Language Name & click Save button. Active language can also be select from System Settings > General Setting.


    • Users- Go to System Settings > Users All the users like Student, Parent and Staff can be see here and you can enable or disable them from login to User Panel. To enable or disable user click on toggle button in Action column.


    • Modules- Go to System Settings > Modules Admitek iCampus comes with 25+ modules but there are 16 modules available to enable/disable from whole system. Disabling any module will be disabled from Admin/Student and Parent panel at once it works over Roles Permission module so even you have given permission for module but after disabling module will be disabled from whole system. To enable/disable simply click on toggle button present in Action column.


    Student Panel

    Login to Student Panel through URL Student Panel has 11 sections -

    1. My Profile
    2. Fees
    3. Class Timetable
    4. Homework
    5. Download Center
    6. Attendance
    7. Examinations
    8. Notice Board
    9. Subjects
    10. Teachers
    11. Library Books
    12. Transport Routes
    13. Hostel Rooms

    • My Profile- after login student can see their complete profile including fees, exams & documents


    • Fees- student can see their fees details and if online payment gateway is enabled then student can pay their online fees from here.


    • Class Timetable- student can see their weekly class timetable here


    • Homework- student can see their class homework here


    • Download Center- student can download Assignments, Study Material, Syllabus & Other Download content here


    • Attendance- student can see their monthly attendance here


    • Examination > Report Card- student can see their exam marks here


    • Examination > Exam Schedule- student can see their exam schedule here


    • Notice Board- student can see their messages sent by Admin & Teachers


    • Subjects- student can see their study subjects here


    • Teachers- student can see all teachers list here


    • Library > Books- student can see all books & their status here


    • Library > Book Issued- student can see all their issued books & their status here


    • Transport Routes- student can see all transport routes list here



    • Hostel Rooms- student can see all hostel rooms details here


    Parent Panel

    Login to Parent Panel through URL Parent Panel is similar to student panel but with one differences listed below-

    1. Parent can see their all children details at once in their Parent Panel
